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Beauty is a value, as important as truth and goodness. Embodied beauty in a white stone awakens in me a strong will to step into discomfort, and experience the transformation of a cold stone into a symbol of belief.
Beauty helps us to understand the nature of our existence. If it would disappear from our lives and would be replaced only by utility, we could soon find ourselves in a spiritual desert.
We have more than practical needs, such as need of harmony. And if those needs go unsatisfied, so do we.
Contemplating beauty brings us calm and deliberation. It seems to touch something deep in us, and awakens the seek of a genuine spirit. Beauty means freedom itself, as we can’t really possess it.
Sacred and beautiful stand side by side, and lead us hand in hand into a place where we can find home.
Living in unsteady times is like sailing on an open sea by thunderstorm. Yet being absorbed and surrounded by beauty can give us an anchor of calm and consolation.
Contemplating beauty gives us an impression of touching the real, perceiving the truth. If art can help us to get closer to the truth, what kind of moral improvement can it generate in us?
Is creation the highest form of human intelligence?
Leave all your clothes and head for the water
chase the lies into the sea
Don’t hold your breath waiting for me
cause I may never come home
Whispering the last words of goodbye
What’s the thruth that we will see
Don’t hold your breath waiting for me
cause the ocean needs me more…
Creation is as simple as walking.
I mean – living life going ahead, learning, proceeding, making changes, taking chances, facing the challenges…
In short, living life awake, not sleeping.
One of the reasons why I sculpt hands is because it reflects a lot their importance.
A hand could be a symbol of a whole human being.
Hands are the medium which reveals our attitudes, our decisions and reflections.
Let´s say that our hands shows and manifests our philosophy of life.
We’re born free – free to make decisions. Free to decide.
I choose, if I´ll help or hurt. I can do anything. My hand can destroy. But the same hands can also create and caress.
Show me your hands and I can already tell so much about who you are and what you do.
I try to sculpt hands full of tenderness, gentleness. Always touching, holding, joining, sharing.
That´s how I show how I feel and convey my attitude about life.
I choose to create, to hold.
I choose to be gentle and I try to understand what is love.
I try to see my relation towards the others like a brother-hood.
In this way, there are no real strangers in this world.
I´ve got only brothers.
Don´t you sometimes feel like
standing on a stage
actor of your own comedy and drama
based on mental illusions?
Our last breathe isn´t the last point of our destiny
What if at the end of our journey
there is just another door
leading to another door
What if our memory is much more deeper
Try to look closer to the signs
that follow you through centuries
Depth over distance we carry
under the skin
Our present life is just a part of a storyline
And if we still have to come back again
and again
and again
Is there a culmination of it all ?
And if it´s just by the existence on the Earth
we have to grow and progress
which is the most powerful human experience
we have to go through?
If the condition of growing is only over pain
how much tears will still have to bleed
to realize
that there has never been a division
there are no real spaces between us
and if we now have to live in separate stories
it´s just a way to learn
that the breathe we share is the same
and that we have always been ones
it´s good to believe in who you are
and sometimes it´s good to desclaim it
negate, cancel and rebuild
your personality
what if
i´am not at all
who i thought i was
what if
this world
is only
a mask
of my own
Si les yeux sont le miroir de l´âme et le corps humain le miroir de l´univers, alors pour moi les mains sont le symbole de notre humanité.
C´est avec la main que dans la créativité artistiques on traduit les ressentis et exprime ce qui est au-delà, derrière le visible des corps, le monde intérieur immense et profond, l’âme et son reflet…
A travers la main on crée, car l´homme est né pour créer. Mais la création ne se limite pas qu´à l´art. Créer c’est réaliser par nos mains nos devoirs les plus difficiles: amener de la lumière par un geste, apporter de la tendresse par une caresse, donner un coup de pouce à nos espérances en tissant des liens et en fortifiant les valeurs humaines.
On tient le destin entre nos mains, et c´est à nous de jouer, de faire nos choix en toute liberté, capable à la fois de construire ou de briser.
Si l’espoir avait une couleur, selon moi ce serait le blanc. La blancheur du marbre, comme symbole de l’espérance. Ce marbre blanc et froid avec lequel je joue. Ce marbre dans lequel j’ai choisi d’insuffler la lumière, la tendresse et l´espérance.
Voilà mon défi: Sculpter la caresse, et y rendre une sensation de chaleur. Sculpter des mains jointes avec des fins filaments, exprimant symboliquement les liens qui nous unissent les uns aux autres, et y suggérer ce jeu léger et subtil qui les régit, à l’image de la vie elle-même.
Si j´essaie de sculpter dans ce marbre un toucher, des liens… cela veut dire que malgré tout ce qu’il se passe dans la vie… je crois en l’humanité. Mais c’est un long chemin…
Alors si l´espérance ne meurt jamais, je souhaite qu´elle reste aussi immortelle dans mes mains…
La passion la plus grande de ma vie est la sculpture en marbre.
C’est un moyen de m’exprimer, mes émotions ainsi que tout le monde intérieur.
C’est le cumul de tout ce que j’ai vécu jusqu’à présent, de toutes
mes recherches, mes voyage, mes découvertes, mes courses pour m’échapper, mes
escapades, mes désirs, mes sentiments, mes pleurs et mes rires, ma recherche du
bonheur… c’est une manière de trouver la paix intérieure et de vivre ma
La più grande passione della mia vita, fino ad ora, è la scultura in marmo.
E‘ un modo per esprimere le emozioni e il mondo interiore. E‘ il culmine di tutto quello che
ho vissuto, dei viaggi, delle scoperte, delle fughe, dei desideri, dei sentimenti, dei pianti,
delle risate, della ricerca della felicità…
E‘ il cammino verso la pace interiore e la libertà personale. La scultura è un‘espressione.
Espressione della mia devozione ai valori. La creazione è così semplice, come camminare.
Vivere la vita andando avanti, imparando, facendo progressi, affrontando i cambiamenti,
afferrando le possibilità, comparando le sfide… In breve, vivere la vita da “svegli“, coscienti,
non addormentati, né nel conforto, né nel disagio.
Uno dei motivi per i quali scolpisco le mani è perchè voglio evidenziare la loro importanza.
La mano potrebbe essere il simbolo dell´umanità. La mano è un mezzo che realizza le
nostre opinioni, le attitudini, le decisioni e le riflessioni. Diciamo che le mani manifestano la
nostra filosofia di vita. Siamo nati liberi, liberi di decidere. Possiamo fare qualunque cosa.
Noi scegliamo se dare aiuto o fare danno. La mano può distruggere, ma può anche costruire
castelli. Puo creare valori ed accarezzare.
A volte, basta guardare le mani di qualcuno per capire chi abbiamo davanti.
Cerco di scolpire mani piene di gentilezza, tenerezza e compassione rispecchiando anche
i miei bisogni personali. Mani che si toccano, che uniscono, che condividono…
Ho scelto di creare. Di toccare la vita, anche nelle sue ferite. Ho scelto la gentilezza e cerco
di capire che cosa è l´amore. Cerco di vivere il raporto con gli altri come una fratellanza. In
tal senso non ci sono stranieri a questo mondo. Abbiamo solo fratelli.
Se la speranza avesse un colore, secondo me sarebbe bianca. Come il bianco simbolico del
marmo. Questo marmo bianco e freddo con il quale amo giocare. Questa materia dura e
resistente alla quale cerco di soffiare dentro l´anima.
Dimostrare che dietro alla materia c‘è qualcosa di più. Al di là della ragione, della logica e
delle parole. Lì, dove è solo il silenzio, risiede la saggezza che ci guarda muta con gli occhi
sereni e che risponde alle nostre domande, così come fanno le montagne di marmo sotto la
luna piena, con il silenzio.
Spiritualität der Hände
Ich denke, die Schöpfung ist so einfach wie das Gehen. Damit meine ich – vorwärts leben, lernen, fortsetzen, Änderungsausführen, Gelegenheiten ergreifen, Herausforederungen annehmen … Kurz gesagt, wachsam leben, nicht das Leben verschlafen. Einer der Gründe, warum ich die Hände bildhaue, ist der, dass sie ihre eigene Wichtigkeit spiegeln. Eine Hand kann das ganze menschliche Wesen symbolisieren. Hände sind ein Medium, das unsere Einstellungen, Entscheidungen und Reflexionen enthüllt. Sagen wir, dass unsere Hände unsere Lebensphilosophie zeigen und manifestieren. Wir kommen zur Welt frei – wir haben Freiheit zu entscheiden. Wir haben Freiheit der Wahl. Ich entscheide, ob die Hände helfen oder schaden. Ich kann alles tun. Meine Hand kann vernichten. Dieselbe Hand kann aber auch bilden und streicheln. Zeigen Sie mir Ihre Hände und ich kann Ihnen sofort sagen, wer Sie sind und was Sie machen. Ich bemühe mich, Hände voll von Zärtlichkeit und Feinheit zu bildhauen. Immer berühren sie, halten, verbinden, teilen. Auf diese Art zeige ich, wie ich mich fühle und interpretiere ich meine Lebenseinstellung. Ich entschied mich zu bilden, zu halten. Ich entschied mich zart zu sein. Ich versuche zu verstehen, was Liebe ist. Ich versuche meine Beziehung zu den anderen als Brüderlichkeit zu sehen. Und so gibt es in der Welt keine Ausländer mehr. Ich habe nur Brüder.